How to Truly Enjoy Your Vacation
Enjoy your vacation. It seems like a no brainer, right? But you’d be surprised how hard it is for some people to put aside the stress of work and commit to having a good time. Vacations are ultimately about the memories you make, and our next one should be a trip that you’ll remember forever as a great experience. It should never be a trip that brings you down. While you can’t plan for every problem that might arise, you can avoid the pitfalls of stressful travel and less than stellar memories by following these simple rules.
1. Shorter Trips
Instead of taking one trip a year for a week to 10 days, try splitting up your time into two vacations per year. You won’t have to wait as long for your next vacation, plus you lessen the risk of a bad vacation when you shorten your trip and have more than one per year.
2. Savor the Planning Stage
Instead of throwing together a plan that feels stressful, lengthen the anticipation for the trip by savoring the planning process. Think about all the things you’ll do during your vacation like sleeping late or taking long walks on the beach. Consider all the adventures you’ll have and try to plan what you’ll do while you’re on vacation. When you savor the trip by planning and dreaming of your adventures, the more likely that you’ll enjoy your vacation.
3. Unplug and Unwind during Your Vacation
While you might have a hard time relinquishing thoughts of work, vacations are meant to be a time to unwind. When you come back from your vacation, you’ll be recharged. It’s important to recharge to improve efficiency and productiveness.
4. Adventures and Free Time
While during the planning stage you might have scheduled some activities, make sure you keep some time free for spontaneous fun. You don’t want to feel like you’re on a strict schedule. That’s what happens at work. It’s not supposed to happen during your vacation.
5. End of Vacation
While you might have enjoyed your time away at one of the many all-inclusive Dominican Republic villas (for example), you should always try to end your vacation on a high. Remember, if you enjoy your vacation, your memories are going to reflect that enjoyment. Make sure the last activity you remember isn’t a flop. Do something exciting or rewarding on the last day, so it sticks in your memory.